USA StrategicVentures
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Consulting Programs Summary 
all programs are modular and cost effective 

Sales & Marketing Assessment (SMA)
SMA is the discovery portion and initial critical element of the business expansion process. The SMA objectives are to:
  • review and evaluate existing sales and marketing plans and the allocated resources for implementation
  • analyze the customer data base to identify common characteristics
  • identify potential vertical market segment opportunities
  • develop strategic revenue growth and business expansion recommendations 

Export Revenue Assistance Program (ERAP)
ERAP is an initiative assisting international companies achieve their business expansion goals by selling their products and services into the USA. We will:
  • investigate the viability of selling products or services in the USA
  • develop an appropriate market entry strategy and sales channel
  • assist establishing a physical presence in the region or elsewhere in the USA

Ameri-Business Partner Search Program (APS) 
ASP identifies prospective American partners and/or customers for international companies pursuing expansion into the USA market. It was developed by a team of international sales and marketing professionals with over 50 years of executive experience creating market entry strategies and developing distribution channels worldwide. We will:
  • investigate the USA market using proprietary industry research tools to identify prospects
  • conduct industry association website analysis 
  • make dedicated inquiry telephone calls to identify the decision maker